Church News
3/26 Wednesday Service Posted
This Wednesday’s service – Unfinished Testimony with Pastor Ken – has been posted on the Wednesday Sermons section of the Hope Church website.
3/23 Sunday Service Posted
This Sunday’s service – Jesus On The Porch – has been posted on the Sunday Sermons section of the Hope Church website.
Subscribe To Hope Church
Hey everyone! We’re super excited to let you know that you can now sign up for the Hope Church Website! It’s a great way to keep up with everything going on at the church, especially if you’re not on social media. You’ll get email updates whenever there’s a new event, important news, or any cancellations and ministry updates. If you would like to subscribe, enter your email address in the subscribe box below.
June 2023 Water Baptism
We will be holding a Water Baptism ceremony on Sunday June 11th at 1pm. Please join us in prayer for those who will be getting baptized that day. If you have been feeling the nudge or the tug from the Lord to take this next step in your walk with Jesus by faith to get baptized, we want to encourage you to follow the Holy Spirit as He leads you to making this life changing moment in your life. If…
Join us for passion week 2023
We would like you to join us for our annual passion week church services. We will start it off on Sunday April 2nd with Palm Sunday and then we will take the Journey with Jesus Christ through Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and have our “Sonrise” service at 6am in the lower parking lot. We will then be having our 2 Resurrection “Sonday” Services at 8am and the 2nd at 10:30 am. Each night during the week, we will…
Website Update
Our website has been updated! We decided it was time for a fresh new look. More importantly, we wanted to make it even easier for our visitors to find the information they need. This update accomplishes that while also improving the website’s performance. All of the information about our church and ministries remains the same. The most noticeable changes were made to our homepage where we brought forth the most sought after information such as what’s happening and when. Also,…
A Weekend To Remember 2023
Weekend to Remember will be held March 24-26th this year at Newport Harbor Island Resort. (Formerly Gurney’s). We were just informed that there is a buy 1 get 1 free on the couple’s registration starting now until January 23rd. We encourage all couples to attend this weekend and make an investment in your marriage and one another. We attended for the first-time last year and it was a life-changing weekend. This weekend reminded us of each other’s value and the…
Ministries Cancelled Week of 1/16
Ministries that meet in the fellowship hall have been cancelled for the week of 1/16-1/21.
Youth Group All Night Event
Our Youth Group will be going on an all night event at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center in Providence on November 18th from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am. This event will be hosted by Reverb Word Of Life. There will be many activities throughout the night which include: 6:00 PM – WOL Check In opens 7:00 PM – Hockey Game 9:30 PM – Estimated hockey game end time 9:45 PM Gospel Message 10:45 PM – AMP Time 11:45 PM – Head…
Royal Rangers 2022 Registration
Royal Rangers Outpost 170 On behalf of the Royal Rangers Outpost 170, we would like to thank you all for an amazing year with your children. We are excited to announce we will be starting back up on Wednesday September 14th, 2022. Also, we would like to remind you all that each ranger will need to register again as we are required to charter each year. Please print and fill out the Registration Form and Medical Form as well as…