Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Upcoming Meetings


Welcome to our webpage, my name is Grace Hebert, I’m the Hope Church Women’s Ministry leader.  I would like to begin, by thanking God for blessing me with this honor, it truly is a privilege and joy to serve Him in this call.  

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be greatly praised.

Provers 31:30

In 2015, God placed the call upon my heart to lead the Women’s Ministry. I couldn’t understand the call at the time, for I could not imagine fitting another  thing into my schedule. I also recall, fear setting in, for this was a task, I wasn’t sure I was prepared to take on. I had never led a ministry of this great capacity and responsibility before. Above all, I didn’t dismiss what God had placed upon my heart. Instead, I prayed about it, and recall saying, Lord, if it is Your will, You will make a way. 

With much prayer, and a leap of faith, God answered my prayers and paved the way for me to lead this ministry in February of 2016. This is a testimony in of itself, all because I trusted in God, and chose faith over fear. 

As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

Proverbs 27:17

In leading this ministry, I have witnessed many women overcome fears and strongholds, as well as witness them progress in their faith.  Many are being used as the hand and feet of God within the church and community. They are a voice of hope and salvation for others, as they reflect the goodness of God.  The vision God placed upon my heart for this ministry, was to lead women, to “Rise Up as Women of God” in order to serve the Lord with the gifts, He blessed them with. 

The mission for “Women of Hope” is to encourage and empower women to become  “Women of Godly Excellence”, through a true reverence for God. As a result of her reverence, she will be able to unlock the potential within, to help make a difference in her home, church, and community. 

Through the uplifting word of God, the many teachings and examples, we learn to conquer doubts, fears, and strongholds, that lead us to become woman of strong Godly character, filled with great wisdom, and great compassion. We strive to become women, who will honor God in all our ways, words and actions.  

A woman of excellence builds qualities that are lasting, pure, noble, and filled with dignity, and integrity. Making her character and beauty built solely in her reverence for God. As a result of her reverence, the qualities she builds upon will lead to love, joy, success, peace, honor, and unity with God.  

So, women let us Rise Up to the call, and be used as part of God’s plan, as He equips us to become the effective woman and witness He designed us to be, for His glory!!

The Women of Hope ministry, meet in the church hall every other Saturday, from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. We gather together in fellowship, and share a time of worship, and devotion from the all inspiring Word of God. Looking forward to having you join us!

The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; 26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26
Grace Hebert

In the name of Jesus,
Grace Hebert

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