

We Are Glad You’re Here!

We would love for you to get familiar with our Hope Church Family. If you have any questions, contact one of our friendly church staff members or submit your question here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect from your worship services?
Our worship services typically last about 90 minutes to 2 hours and are energetic and spirit-filled. We begin with inspiring music by our amazing Worship Team. Our time of worship is free and spirit-lead. This will be followed by the preaching of God’s Word as it applies to your life. All are welcome, registration is not required.

Where do you meet?
Our church is located at 88 Hathaway Road in North Darmouth, MA. From the parking lot to the front doors and throughout our building, our greeters would love to direct you or answer any questions you may have.

Where do I park?
There is plenty of parking available on the church grounds. We recommend arriving 10 to 20 minutes before the service begins. Someone will be available to help you find an open seat just in time for pre-service worship.