Bible Study
What to Expect We want to welcome everyone to our Bible Study with Pastor Ken Hebert. We are an interactive study with dialogue and Q&A exposing the Word of God. Coffee and fellowship available after study in the fellowship hall.
Journey Into Discipleship Bible Study
Event Description We meet every Monday from 7:00-9:00 pm in the church sanctuary. If you are interested in learning more about the Journey Into Discipleship Bible Studay, please see Rachel Resendes or our ministry page.
Christmas Eve Candle Light Service
What To Expect Christmas Eve Service will be on Tuesday 12/24 from 6 to 7pm. Feel free to join us for this beautiful time of reflection. We will have a time of praise and worship followed by a short devotional from the Word of God. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21
Prayer Night
What to Expect These prayer nights are purposed for those who are seeking to spend some personal quiet time in prayer seeking the Lord for their needs.
Youth Connect Group
What To Expect All children and teens ages 12-17 are welcome to join our Youth Connect Group. We meet every other Friday from 6 to 8 PM.
Men’s Ministry
What to Expect The men at Hope Church meet every other Saturday for fellowship and to dig into God’s Word together. The meetings will start at 8:30 a.m. and last until approximately 10 a.m.
Sunday Worship Services
What to Expect Everyone is welcome to attend one of our Sunday Services. Each service begins with a time of worship, followed by the preaching of God’s Word. Communion is held on the first Sunday of each month. Our first service begins at 8am. There is additional seating available at our fellowship hall downstairs with live broadcasting of the service. Child care is not available during this service. The second service begins at 10:30 am. Child Care and Sunday School…
Sunday School
What to Expect As parents walk into our church foyer, they can sign in their children on our Sunday School sign in sheets. After worship, children are dismissed and go directly downstairs to their assigned classes. For our Nursery (0-3 years old), parents are to sign in their children downstairs and provide their phone number. If a parent is needed, we will text you.
Shining Lights Children’s Ministry
What to Expect Pizza, Fellowship Time and Christ Centered Activities / Service Projects. Shining Lights is open to all children 5-12 years of age. Please contact Sue Phillips with any questions.
Love & Respect Marriage Study
What To Expect Andy and Marly will be leading a 10 session Bible based marriage study called Love and Respect. There will be a video and a workbook, gather together bi-weekly. All couples are welcome.