Wednesday Worship Service
What to Expect We would like to welcome everyone to our Wednesday Worship Service from 7 to 8:30 pm. Each service begins with a time of worship, followed by the preaching of God’s Word. Communion is held on the Wednesday after the first Sunday (Communion Sunday) of each month. Child care is available during this service. Watch Wednesday Services here.
Love & Respect Marriage Study
What To Expect Andy and Marly will be leading a 10 session Bible based marriage study called Love and Respect. There will be a video and a workbook, gather together bi-weekly. All couples are welcome.
Young Adults Connect Group
What to Expect We are a faith based group of young adults from 18-35 years of age who come together to build friendships/relationships to share life’s issues and struggles as we pray and seek biblical guidance through this connect group.
Women’s Ministry
What to Expect Our mission is to encourage and empower women to become “Women of Godly Excellence”, through a true reverence for God. As a result of her reverence, she will be able to unlock the potential within, to help make a difference in her home, church, and community. Through the uplifting word of God, the many teachings and examples, we learn to conquer doubts, fears, and strongholds, that lead us to become women of strong Godly character, filled with…