Plans & Guidelines to Reopen the Church

Plans & Guidelines to Reopen the Church

We, at Hope Church, are prepared and excited to have the church reopen for the family of God to come together, this coming Sunday, May 24th. We want everyone to know that we will be complying with the state’s guidelines and recommendations for the safety of all who attend Hope Church. Attached with this are the Massachusetts guidelines for HOUSES of WORSHIP.

We ask all who attend our services to please respect and follow these guidelines, as well as the states’ guidelines, so that we may continue to hold our services without any hindrances.

Many may wish to continue to stay home for their well-being, and that’s ok. We are looking forward to seeing you and welcome you to join us when you feel as though you are ready. We encourage anyone who feels uncomfortable coming to our live services at this time to continue to watch our pre-recorded services on Hope Church’s website or YouTube channel. We miss you and want you to know that we understand and respect your decision to stay home. We will be praying for you and look forward to when we can all get together again.

What to expect during this time and when entering our church:

  1. We will be holding two services: 8:00am and 10:30am
  2. Both scheduled services will be held upstairs and downstairs. Our fellowship hall, downstairs, has been transformed into a second sanctuary with seating. There will be a live broadcasting of the service being held upstairs through our large projector screen.
  3. You will be greeted at the entrances by one of our Pastoral leaders and escorted to your seat by our Ushers. (Seating may change due to family sizes in each service.)
  4. At this time, we are only able to allow 72 people upstairs and 38 people downstairs per service in order to comply with the 40% capacity load regulation that is mandated by our state.
  5. We ask that everyone graciously enter and leave the sanctuaries in an orderly fashion at each service. Our Pastoral leaders will help guide everyone in and out of the church.
  6. Hand sanitizing stations are located throughout the building and we encourage everyone to use them as you enter and leave the building.
  7. Our church cleaning staff will be thoroughly cleaning, disinfecting, and preparing the church in between all services.
  8. There will be NO bulletins or paper material handed out. Updates and announcements will be posted on our website and Facebook page.
  9. PLEASE keep the state recommended 6ft distance from those who do not live in the same household as you. You will be reminded to NOT have any physical contact (hand shaking or hugging) with others, with the exception of those living in your household.
  10. Some may NOT be wearing masks due to the exception of medical reasons and/or disabilities. This exception can be found in the Massachusetts HOUSE of WORSHIP state guidelines.
  11. For the foreseeable future, there will be NO Sunday school classes or childcare/nursery. However, we still encourage parents to bring their children to services, if so desired.
  12. For the foreseeable future, there will also be NO fellowship after services.
  13. There will be a time of prayer at the altar for those who desire to do so.
  14. We may allow more time for worship and praise followed by a short devotion/message from the Pastor.

**All posted guidelines are subject to change pending future revisions made to state regulations **

Thank You & God Bless!